Woman running with a filtered water bottle.Drinking plenty of water is crucial for your health, as it ensures optimal body functioning. Water helps regulate your body temperature, keeps your cells healthy, among tons of other excellent benefits. As much as municipalities in New Jersey provide treated tap water to curb the risk of waterborne diseases, this does not eliminate the possibility of water contamination during transmission. Thus, many residents turn to bottled and filtered water as these are considered safer options than drinking tap water. But are the two options safe or healthier, for that matter?

In this post, we look at the benefits of filtered vs. bottled water to establish which of the two is best for you. Please read on.

Bottled Water

For a long time, bottled water has been marketed as the safest drinking water option. Sourced directly from protected natural sources and bottled under high hygienic conditions, consumers are usually confident that bottled water is sterile and safe for consumption. Besides, the fact that you can grab a bottle of clean mineral water from anywhere, anytime makes this option convenient.

As its name implies, mineral water contains a handful of essential minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., all of which are beneficial to your health. But that’s the far its benefits go. Numerous studies have long dismissed the notion that mineral water is safe for drinking.

Dangers of Drinking Bottled Water

To begin with, the bottled water industry lacks stringent regulations. As such, studies continue to discover the presence of many contaminants in bottled water, which are harmful to your health. The water bottling industry has continued to thrive despite the possible dangers their product subjects consumers for lack of proper regulations.

Common contaminants found in bottled water include arsenic, microplastics, phthalates, bacteria (E. coli), etc. Arsenic is a toxic metal that is potentially carcinogenic and may also cause health problems like cardiovascular diseases. This metal may also interfere with cognitive abilities in children. On the other hand, microplastic particles and phthalates have carcinogenic properties, among other health risks.

The production of bottled water also sets back environmental sustainability efforts by increasing the carbon footprint. From the packaging to distribution and disposal of empty water bottles, the process is in no way environmentally friendly.

Filtered Water

Filtered water may not compare with bottled water in mineral retention, but since the filtration process is thorough in ridding the water of contaminants (lead, arsenic, chlorine, etc.), it’s the safest possible option. Besides, you can easily compensate for the lacking minerals through your diet.

However, safety is not the only benefit of filtered water. Some other notable pros include;


Even though the cost of investing in a filtration system is high, it’s far much cheaper compared to buying bottled water in the long-term. Yes, the upfront cost of installing, say, a reverse osmosis unit may be intimidating, plus the seasonal costs of maintenance, but that’s all you need to keep your family enjoying clean and safe water for years. On the contrary, the cost of buying bottled water may add up pretty fast.

Aiding in Environmental Conservation

Once you have your filtration system in place, all you need is a recyclable water container for your drink. This goes a long way in saving the environment from the effects of producing, distributing, and disposing of hundreds or thousands of water bottles that you may have used. In short, by using filtered water, you reduce the carbon footprint drastically, hence contribute to environmental conservation.


Hydrating your body is crucial to your health. However, it’s vital to ensure the water you consume is free of contaminants. As you cannot guarantee the safety of mineral water, using filtered water is your safest option. Though you may not have the convenience of accessing filtered water while on the go, filtering your water has a positive impact on your health, budget, and the environment.

Should you want to install a filtration system or explore other water softening solutions, talk to us and let us help. Our services extend to the entire Northern New Jersey area. Check us out for a free estimate or water analysis.