Tap water is supposed to be one of the least expensive ways to stay healthy and hydrated. It is, in fact, one of the luxuries of modern life that most of us take for granted without even thinking about it. You count on your tap water to be safe to wash in, to cook with, and to drink directly from the faucet but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Whether it’s something in your municipal water supply or the degrading quality of old pipes, sometimes the water that flows out of your tap can be hard, disgusting, and full of stuff you don’t wouldn’t want to wash with, much less drink. Whether your water is full of magnesium, iron, chlorine, or even lead, your health and the safety of your family’s health is at risk and it’s time to take a stand. A water softening system will solve these issues and concerns!
A home water softening system can be connected in-line with your water source to clean up all those problems with your tap water you’ve been worrying about from dingy clothes to alarming chemical smells coming from the tap. If you’re not sure what to do about seemingly contaminated tap water, here are three ways that a water softening system could make your tap water safer, tastier, and clear of all those unwanted additives.
1) Softening Hard Water
If your water is constantly leaving white flaky residue on everything, if your clothes are stiff and come out of the wash seeming to be less clean than they should be, and if you’ve been breaking out more often than usual, you probably have hard water. That flaky residue is too much magnesium and calcium in the water and it’s getting into everything, including your clothes and pores. A water softener is part of a complete water treatment system and uses a combination of salt and special beads to pull those pesky minerals out of your water. This will make soap more effective, allow your clothes to get clean, and significantly improve the hair and skin health of everyone in the home.
2) Clearing Iron From Your Water
Does your water run orange, yellow, or a deep and murky red? The good news is that you haven’t been cursed by Moses, that’s just an unpleasant concentration of iron in your tap water. Iron is one of the most common and undesirable contaminants to get into either municipal or well water, often caused by either iron seeping down from iron-rich soil or old rusting iron pipes that should probably be replaced. Worse than the cause, the effects of iron-filled tap water include icky red staining in your toilet and sinks along with turning anything you cook dark and bitter. Fortunately, iron can easily be filtered out with a water filtration system, bringing you clear, delicious water once more.
3) Removing Chlorine
Hard water may make it harder to get clean and iron may taste terrible, but neither of them are as dangerous as chlorine in the water, something that most water treatment facilities add to kill germs and microbes. Unfortunately, chlorine-rich water can give off nasty fumes like a swimming pool, burn your eyes, cause health problems, and has been linked to cancer risk in later life. While we don’t want the microbes either, by the time the water has reached your tap, the chlorine has done its job and the best thing you can do for your family is to filter it out.
Depending on the quality of your tap water, a home water treatment plan can include water softening, filtration or both to pull out all those unwanted additives from your tap water. Once your system is complete, you’ll be able to safely wash with, cook with, drink and give tap water to your children without worrying about the possible negative side effects. It’ll just be clean, delicious water. To find out the right plumbing improvements for your home, contact us today!